Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Sanctuary Ceiling Lights are Repaired

Yesterday, February 25th, the Building and Grounds Team was able to get the Sanctuary ceiling lights repaired:
  • 7:30 am the rental company delivered the scissor lift to the front of the building.
  • 9:00 am - 2 representatives from South Paw Electrical arrived to get to work.  The scissor lift had white rubber tires and was narrow enough to enter by the southwest Sanctuary door.  
    • No black tracks were left on the carpet. 
    • It took the electricians about an hour and a half to fix the ceiling lights.
  • 9:00 am - Volunteer Team 1 (Larry Arp, Hans Jordan, and TK Smith) arrived to move 175 chairs around the room as the scissor lift manipulated its way in order to reach the ceiling lights.
    • 3 ceiling lights had burned out and had to be replaced.  They have a 5 year warranty.
    • 8 ceiling can lights had slipped their moorings anywhere from 1" to all of the way. They were reinserted.
  • 12:00 noon - Volunteer Team 2 (Carol Pranschke, Paul Brynteson, and Hiram Wolgemuth) arrived to reset the 175 chairs, hymnals, and boxes of Kleenex, in the Sanctuary.   It took a little over an hour to reset the room.  A few changes were made in the layout of the chairs in order to maintain aisles that are safe for any members using a walker, wheelchair, or other device.  The new graphic is located here: