Monday, October 19, 2020

Saturday, October 17, 2020, the "Raking Up the Pine Needles" Party occurred.  9 intrepid members of the Grounds Needles Team spent several hours raking up the pine needles from under the trees on the east side of our property.  Click here to see the video.

Here are the statistics:
  1. 5 truck loads went to Western Disposal to be turned into compost.  You can buy it back next year.
  2. 1200 pounds of needles and tree limbs were loaded and hauled.  
    1. Just a little over 1/2 a ton!
  3. 3 neighbors thanked us for our cleaning up the street, their gutters and sidewalks.  I believe it was a first for them. 
I also realized that we've only just begun.  We still need to trim the junipers down to about 12 inches high and then we can get at the needles underneath.  Also, a decision needs to be made about the fence.  4 choices as I see it:  1.  split rail fence remains.  3.  missing sections are installed. 3. split rail fence is removed.  4. install a 3' high solid cedar fence where the split rail was.  Fodder for our next Grounds Teams Zoom meeting!
  • Larry Arp repaired the split rail fence.
  • Rich Evertz was The Man with the leaf blower borrowed from the Haradas.
  • 4 strong UUs moved the picnic tables closer to the building for their use. (Oh, my back!)
Thanks for all your help.  We really did a thing on Saturday.

Pine Needle Pick-Up Party on Saturday, October 17, 2020

Dear Friends:

We have a beautiful stand of mature pine trees on the east side of our property.  When these trees shed their needles and they aren't collected and disposed of, they are picked up by the wind and deposited on our neighbors' lawns. They have asked if we could rake-up the pine needles, under the trees, and dispose of them.

So, we're going to have a Pine Needle Raking Up Party:

When:  Saturday, October 17, 2020
Time:    9 am - 11 am
Where:  East Side of the South Parking Lot
What to Bring:  Rake, Gloves, Water and Mask

In accordance with the guidelines for places of worship, we will maintain 6′ distancing between members of different family groups and masks will be worn at all times..

We also have a broken rail on the split rail fence.  Anybody know how to repair that?

If you are able to help with either the pine needles or the split rail fence, won't you please drop me a line.