Friday, November 15, 2024

Our $100,000 roof is complete!

The new roof cost $100,000.00.  However, we only had to pay $25,000.00.  

Why?  Because several months ago, when our roofer was repairing a couple of small, but irritating, ceiling leaks in the two air locks between the main entrance doors on the south and north side, he mentioned to us that the shingles on the roof looked like they were 25 years old instead of 4 years old.  

He recommended that we file a claim with the company that manufactured the original 4 year old shingles.  It was a lengthy process, filling out documents, submitting 16 photos, extracting and mailing a   sample shingle (Who knew they made mailing envelopes that big?), arranging for an in-person inspection, etc.

We did everything required by the original manufacturer and to our surprise, they reimbursed us $75,000.00 for defective shingles. 

The new shingles are from a different manufacture and have a high hail impact rating.

We are grateful to all of the Fellowship members, working behind the scenes, who made this project possible:  Carol Pranschke, Office Manager; the Board; Sue Redick, Treasurer; and Larry Sherwood, our 'Ship Financial Wizard. 

And, we will be forever grateful to our roofer for alerting us to the condition of the old shingles and putting on our new roof: Bulldog Roofing, Inc., (

ps: In a roofing project, there are as many nails on the ground as there are on the roof.  The roofers did everything they could to magnetically clean all the areas around the Fellowship.  Just a reminder to keep an eye out for any nails that might have eluded the great magnet and escaped capture!

pps:  We also have a new (matching) roof on the "barn"!


David Burrous
Building and Grounds Coordinator

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Day 4 Working on the Roof.


Bulldog Roofing Co. is making good progress on replacing our roof.

Above the Admin Wing:

Above the Mountain View Room:

Above the Mountain View Room.

Above the Sanctuary:

Above Carol Pranschke's office:

Monday, November 11, 2024

Day 3 Working on the Roof. Snow's gotta go first!

 Got to get the snow off the roof before they can lay shingles.

South-side entrance has lots of snow on the sidewalk.  
Best to enter through the North-side entrance today.

We hope they'll be finished by the end of the week since the weather forecast looks good.

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Day 2 of Roof Repair

Crew is working on replacing the roof on the Fellowship Hall and the Sanctuary today.

If good weather continues on Wednesday, they will return.  
If it snows, they will have to wait for drier weather.


Fellowship Hall:


East side of Fellowship Hall:


Friday, November 1, 2024

New Roof! Day 1

 It turns out that the shingles that were installed on the roof 4 years ago were defective.  The shingle production company reimbursed the Fellowship for the defective shingles.  Now, Bulldog Roofing ( is installing a new roof.  First thing to do is to deliver 2 truckloads of new shingles and and put them on the ridge.  Bulldog will take the weekend off and then start in to work bright and early on Monday morning of next week.  The installation should take about 5 days.