Grounds Teams Volunteers
Sign up.
We need you!
Spring and summer are especially busy times.
Won't you please consider volunteering for one of the following Teams?
Administration Team
- Help make decisions for the Grounds Teams
Lawn Mowing Team
- Mow the lawn once a month. Takes less than 2 hours.
Pine Tree Allée MaintenanceTeam
- Rake the pine needles from under the 9 Sisters Pine Trees. 2 hours, twice a summer.
Prairie Dog Monitoring Team
-Walk the perimeter of the grounds to look for prairie dogs. 1 hour per month.
Weeding Team
- Choose a section of mulched area (no blue grass), own it, weed it once a month for 1-2 hours.
Drip Irrigation Maintenance Team
- Check to see if the little heads of the drip irrigation system are functioning correctly. 2 hours once in spring and once in summer.
Evergreen Pfizer Manicuring Team
-Trim the evergreen pfitzers, under the 9 Sisters pine trees, to about 12" high. 2 hours/twice a summer.
Fertilize the Blue Grass Team
- 4 times during the summer - 2 hours each time.
Strong UUs Move Rocks Team
-We need about 4 strong UUs to help move some large landscaping rocks.
Miscellaneous Tasks Team
- Sometimes things come up and we need some volunteers on call. It might be irrigation issues, cutting switch grass, mulching, taking a couch to the dump, etc.
What we haven't thought of yet Team
-There are probably some teams we haven't thought of yet, but....
Contact David Burrous at, if you're interested.