Tuesday, April 13, 2021

It's time to mow our new lawn.... but we need some help.

 Dear Friends:  It's time to start mowing our new lawn.  

We could spend several thousand dollars a year and hire a landscaping service, or we could do it ourselves for free.  

Being UUs, guess which alternative we chose?  Right!  We'll do it ourselves.

So, now we need a team of enthusiastic mowers to take care of the lawn on a weekly basis.  

We need two mowers each week.  

If we had 8 volunteers, each volunteer would only have to mow once a month, April through September.

Larry Arp, Hans Jordan and Rich Evertz
have been trained to use the riding mower.

We need 4 volunteers to mow with the Toro mower
in places where the riding mower can't reach.

If you would like to join the BVUUF Lawn Mowing Team, please send us an email at  groundsteams@bvuuf.org

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Pruning the Apple Trees & Trimming the Switch Grass

Larry Arp, Hans Jordan, David Beumée, and Rich Evertz trim the switch grass.  We're saving the cut grass for the new seeding-over on the west side of the berm this spring.

Robyn Churchill Rathweg, Kathy Partridge, Wendie Highsmith, and Hiram Wolgemuth prune our two apple trees.